No one has ever seen God, but the one and only Son, who is himself God and is in closest relationship with the Father, has made him known. (John 1, 18)
Immersing yourself in the Gospel means spending intense time with Jesus of Nazareth and through him the God he reveals. His words, his gestures, all his behaviours renew our way of seeing things and open up a greater closeness with Him.
Over five days, through silence, these retreats offer a space for reflection, meditation and attention to your internal life.
In our busy lives, with loaded work schedules and ever less personal space, this 2 or 3-day retreat, in silence, listening to the gospel offers an opportunity to breathe deeply, see life from a different perspective and get back to the essence of our faith.
Please Note: Some weekends are reserved for “good walkers” only!
“Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6,31)
These retreats are aimed at anyone who feels a need for silence and solitude. Each person freely decides how long they will stay - with a minimum of 3 days- and how they will spend each day. A celebration of the Eucharist in the morning and a commentary on the Gospel each evening offer substantial nourishment.
Vous souhaitez vivre l'expérience concrète et vivante de l’Évangile au quotidien ? La communauté est heureuse d’ouvrir largement ses portes pour partager son expérience de vie avec le Christ.
Percevant la soif d’un vrai silence intérieur et de véritables échanges dans le plus ordinaire des jours, nous proposons ces retraites de six jours avec la communauté durant lesquelles s'entremêleront temps d’écoute des textes bibliques, ensemble et en solitude, temps de travail et temps de repos, temps de silence et temps d’échanges... l’un dans l’autre, l’un avec l’autre!
Chacun découvrira au long des jours ce qu'il est bon de vivre pour lui. La Parole de Dieu prendra toute sa place : lue, écoutée, reçue, partagée, elle sera la nourriture qui donne sens et élan à chaque journée.
Une belle invitation à vivre nouvellement l’ordinaire. Que l'on puisse goûter ensemble la saveur nazaréenne de cette vie avec le Christ et la simplicité d'une vie de foi partagée !
Pour y participer, il est conseillé d’avoir déjà suivi une retraite ou un week-end à la Roche d’Or ou aux Fontanilles.
On a Sunday, from 9:30 am to 5:00 pm: this day-long retreat could be the perfect option for a first visit to our house. Give yourself the time to enjoy some prolonged contact with the bible, along with our Community, sharing the Eucharist at the end of the day helps you feel revived and ready to continue the path of life.
Offered three to four times a year, these days are particularly accessible for those who live nearby.
Would you like to discover the daily life of the community while helping to maintain and improve the park and houses? The community would be delighted to welcome you for six days on retreat, to share our way of working with you, enjoy meals and conversations together, and work together on the work of the Holy Spirit within us and in His creation. Ecology of the heart!
The morning Eucharist and discussions at the end of the day invite everyone to live with the word as they go about their varied activities. These retreats are like a school for learning to live your daily life in a new way!
Whatever your age, physical ability or skill there’s a place for you and a way for you to take part in the activities on offer.
A simple, practical introduction to the culture of the Bible, accessible to all. Everyone can understand how the bible was constructed over time, learn to read it, understand it and see the challenges for our faith.
We do not always pay attention to the fact that the book of the bible is, in human culture and as far back as we can go, a unique event! Bruno Barral
According to the year, the community offers walking retreats in the Holy Land, to the roots of our faith, following in the footsteps of St Paul in Greece, in Assisi at the school of St François, in Lourdes...
These retreats are about walking, seeing, feeling, resting, tasting a “living earth” that never stops shining its mystery rooted in centuries of history...
Listening to the Word in the place of the Revelation and evangelisation; conversations, sharing, the support of the community, make this a true path for taking what you’ve learned through several retreats in La Roche d’Or or Fontanilles further.